Thoughts by Julien Dendauw.
More of a journal than a blog.

Developing a password generator

I've been generating password with brain.exe for too long! Let's automate it!

Using Astro to create a blog

There's a new player in town. Meet Astro! The framework that allow you to use other frameworks! This site use it, this post explain how I did it so you can too!
Astro Web Development

Windows 10 installation instructions

A post explaining my way of installing Windows 10 from scratch. No bullshit, (nearly) no registry manipulation. Get a functionning Windows 10 installation with minimum bloat!
Windows Development

WSL2 basic installation

So you want to install Linux on a Windows 10 machine? All that without using VMs? Here's the post you've been looking for!
Windows Development WSL2

The Docker install recipe

Now that we've a working local environment, running on WSL2, let's install Docker in it!
Windows Development WSL2 Docker